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New Zealand Psychologist Board

The New Zealand Psychologists Board is the regulatory authority appointed under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 in respect of the profession of psychology. The principal purpose of the Act is to protect the health and safety of members of the public by providing for mechanisms to ensure that health practitioners are competent and fit to practise their profession. 


Lifeline Aotearoa’s helpline and textline provides 24/7, confidential support from qualified counsellors and trained volunteers.

Mauri nui, Mauri roa, Mauri ora, Mauri tau.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou kotahi katoa.

The New Zealand Psychological Society

The Society is the premier professional and scientific association for psychologists in Aotearoa/ New Zealand and is committed to supporting quality practice, education and research in psychology.

International Hypnotist Registry

HR Register certifies IHR practitioners (hypnotherapists, hypnosiscoaches) & their companies worldwide and is 100% independent. 

IHR practitioners comply with annual CPD requirements, respect the code of conduct | the procedure requirements and are subject to rules for complaints & disciplinary action or dispute settlement & arbitration.


We all face challenges to our mental health. Depression and anxiety changes the way we think, feel and deal with tough times. Well done for taking the first step. You can follow other people’s journeys to wellness below or explore the site to find your own way to a better place.


We provide support, treatment and education for anxiety, depression, OCD and phobias, however we treat other associated conditions related to anxiety.

New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists

The College is the specialist organisation for clinical psychologists in Aotearoa, N.Z. The College aims to provide a process by which trained and competent clinical psychologists can be identified and distinguished from others offering mental health services. The College aims to present and promote the quality and skills of its members and assist in educating the public about sound standards of practice.

Belgian Commissions and Associations

Psychologist Commission

The Commission of Psychologists is an independent federal government body with responsibility for all psychologists in Belgium. If anyone wishes to use the title of psychologist, which is protected by law in Belgium, then they must apply to us for registration as a psychologist.

Belgian Federation of Psychologists

De Belgische Federatie van Psychologen is de nationale beroepsvereniging van licentiaten en masters in de psychologie in België. Zij waakt over de belangen van de psychologie, de psychologen en hun cliënten.

Flemish Association of Clinical Psychologists

De Vlaamse Vereniging van Klinisch Psychologen maakt als grootste deelvereniging van de Belgische Federatie van Psychologen onrechtstreeks deel uit van de European Federation of Psychologists' Associations.

Flemish Association of Sexologists

De Vlaamse Vereniging voor Seksuologie vzw is in 1972 opgericht als een wetenschappelijke vereniging die de kwaliteit van de seksuologie in Vlaanderen wenst te bewaken en bevorderen. Ze verenigt seksuologen met een academische masteropleiding (of daaraan gelijkgesteld) binnen het Vlaamse taalgebied en houdt zich bezig met de kwaliteit van klinisch seksuologische hulpverlening, van educatie en vorming, van wetenschappelijk onderzoek en beleidswerk.

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